Powered by 25 years of intelligent data, emqnetai allows you to make optimal decisions in times of crisis
Building operational resilience
Real-time, ultra-intuitive technology, combined with expert incident response planning, to equip your business with the capability to maintain operational continuity, whatever the threat.

Current Users
The people who can impact their organisation when it matters most
Build experience & muscle memory
The moment of truth
Real-time, ultra-intuitive technology, combined with expert incident response planning, to equip your business with the capability to maintain operational continuity, whatever the threat.
We’re trusted by some of the best in the industry
We continually work with our clients to grow and innovate, to ensure our clients’ needs are met. You’re in good company:

Client Comments:
Michael Byrne, Former Vice President for Health, Safety & Security Newmont Mining Corporation
When an event is started we get that information in a heartbeat. It helps us get people together very quickly. When they do get together, they are aware of what they are talking about and what they need to do.

The Global Leader in Operational Resilience

emqnet is an intuitive operational resilience software platform that supports brave organisations operating in hazardous and complex environments.
emqnet helps these organisations plan, prepare, respond & recover from events that threaten the way they operate and drives operational resilience performance via its rich data history.
- fast-tracks building capability
- provides real-time visibility of status and performance,
- informs decision-making by feeding each role with timely insights.
The platform guides users through the experience and prompts users to act where required. We recognise our users are not crisis experts, so emqnet does the thinking for you.
You will know how well you prepare for and respond to crisis events through our proven methodology - Respond7. Measuring your performance before, during and after an event drives better outcomes with greater certainty, reducing lost time and cost when restoring disrupted operations.

emqnet is an intuitive operational resilience software platform that supports brave organisations operating in hazardous and complex environments.
emqnet helps these organisations plan, prepare, respond & recover from events that threaten the way they operate and drives operational resilience performance via its rich data history.
The platform guides users through the experience and prompts users to act where required. We recognise our users are not crisis experts, so emqnet does the thinking for you.
- fast-tracks building capability
- provides real-time visibility of status and performance,
- informs decision-making by feeding each role with timely insights.
You will know how well you prepare for and respond to crisis events through our proven methodology - Respond7. Measuring your performance before, during and after an event drives better outcomes with greater certainty, reducing lost time and cost when restoring disrupted operations.